Hope House

Learn about Hope House from Wendy Weckler, the Executive Director at Hope House. RHRC co-partners, including Hope House, collectively administered $13 million in rent assistance in 5 months in 2020. These payments enabled tenants and landlords to avoid eviction and to maintain stable housing.


Legal Action Wisconsin

Raphael Ramos coordinates the Eviction Defense Project at Legal Action of Wisconsin. Attorneys like Raphael meet RHRC clients’ legal needs, providing in-court representation, brief legal consultations, and document drafting.

Community Advocates

Community Advocates is one of nine co-partners that comprise the Rental Housing Resource Center. Community Advocates provides a broad array of housing services, including access to rent assistance, case management and tenant-landlord communication. Their work directly supports the RHRC’s mission: to connect people to housing resources – regardless of age, race, gender, family situation, or housing history.

Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee

Colleen Foley, Executive Director of The Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee, speaks to the collaboration between RHRC co-partners. In June 2020, Milwaukee County evictions were filed at a rate 42% higher than eviction filings in June 2019. Eviction filings are expected increase explosively when the CDC eviction moratorium expires. Tenants can connect with experienced attorneys from The Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee at the RHRC to prepare for a court date.

Mediate Wisconsin

Landlord-tenant mediation is a key tool in eviction diversion in Milwaukee. This video features Amy Koltz from Mediate Wisconsin (known locally as Mediate Milwaukee). Mediate Wisconsin is one of 9 co-partners of the RHRC, who collaborate to meet the complex and varied needs tenants at risk of eviction.


Resources at the RHRC are meant to protect families from one of the worst-case-scenario of housing instability: homelessness. By connecting people at risk of homelessness to housing services, we can offer a point of #stability​ through which they can address other issues like employment, health, and education. This video features Emily Kenny from Impact Inc., which provides a 24-hour central access point for information and assistance to critical community resources that help people at risk of becoming homeless or those experiencing homelessness.